Poland Israel Journey '18

Wednesday, May 9th - Wednesday, May 16th 2018

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Finding Peace in the Cemeteries - Sarah Rosenberg-Brown

Finding Peace in the  Cemeteries. 

As we traverse Poland I have found peace in unlikely places, the  cemeteries, known in Hebrew as Beit Hachaim( house of life).


At home cemeteries are taboo, scary places that people avoid. But here in Poland each time we have stepped  through the gates of the Jewish  cemeteries, I have been filled with serenity and peace. In many ways  these holly places are like parks with lush green grass, large leafy trees, and the beautiful  songs of birds.


But so much more that the beautiful  setting, the cemeteries represents the  normal cycle of life, of community and honoring our dead.


The cemeteries  are in complete  contridiction to the horrors and terror of the  death camps, the ghettos, and the mass graves, that completely  suspend reality and the normalcy of life as we know it.


So, unexpectedly I have found, peace and hope for life in the cemeteries.